Tuesday, 23 January 2018

New Effect: Screaming Red Rabbit Fuzz

So here's a happy mistake!
Confessions up front. I was trying to make a Seamoon Funk Machine. I'm sorry.
Sorry that I was trying to make an auto wah pedal, and sorry for not succeeding.

Fortunately, I can bring to you, hypothetical reader, something else entirely. I present to you the SCREAMING RED RABBIT fuzz pedal.

And I'm posting the schematic AND a veroboard layout for you to make yourself.

The Screaming Red Rabbit is, while technically unassuming in its low part count and common components, a rather serviceable fuzz pedal. It's almost like a ZVex Fuzz Factory, in that it squeals with delight, self-oscillates, and generally won't behave its damn self.

There are four controls.

  • Definition (envelope sensitivity)
  • Density (envelope gain)
  • Frequency (frequency of the low-pass filter, a sign of its origins as a 70s filter pedal)
  • Volume (how loud it can do what it does)
I fiddled around with the bit in between the envelope follower and the filter op amp for quite a while until I found a decent combination, but got it to do some pretty wacky things on the way. At one point it was very nearly a tremolo. A horrible, horrible tremolo.


And a vero layout for you to chew on:

Your homework is to try making this, verifying my layout and letting me know if it sounds as awesome as mine (somewhere between a Prunes & Custard and a Smashing Pumpkins-esque op amp big muff) or if it is totally horrible and I am very wrong. Bonus points if you can identify the origin of the name I have given this thing.


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